Mechanism of Action

Mechanism of Action

RENADYL® - Enteric Dialysis® for Kidney function works in your intestine — not your kidney.  As kidney function declines, nitrogenous wastes build up in the blood and diffuse into the intestinal fluid of the colon via an extensive network of blood vessels.

Step 1. Probiotic microbes enter the large intestine into the ileocecal region.
Step 2. Once in the colon, the microbes target and metabolize the uremic nitrogenous wastes as nutrients for their growth.
Step 3. The microbes begin to multiply resulting in greater diffusion of nitrogenous wastes from the circulating blood stream into the bowel.
Step 4. The nitrogenous waste products RENADYL® targets include urea, uric acid, creatinine,
indoles, phenols, nitrosoamines and several other nitrogenous waste products.
Step 5. The "nitrogenous waste/microbe" metabolites are eventually eliminated from the body as
solid waste fecal matter.
About us

Centaur Pharmaceuticals ranks among India's few, fully integrated pharmaceutical firms with proficiencies across the pharmaceutical value chain. Centaur will leverage Kibow's research expertise and its own strong manufacturing and marketing skills to offer hope in the form of Renadyl to patients in India suffering from CKD.


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